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I.O.W.A. 1 Hr. May 29 Caretaking/Wellness CLE/Lunch/Watch Party

Join Iowa Organization of Women Attorney (I.O.W.A.) for a Wednesday, May 29 noon hour Zoom CLE, lunch, and watch party on balancing lawyering and caretaking. We will discuss tips, strategies, and experiences relating to the sometimes tricky and stressful balance between your lawyer life and caretaking responsibilities at home (whether child, spouse, parent, pet...the list goes on). The CLE will be presented via Zoom with small group breakout discussion sessions during the presentation.


This session has been approved for 1 hour Iowa ETHICS/Wellness CLE!


I.O.W.A. members may register and participate in the Zoom virtually, but it will be much more fun to participate via one of the regional WATCH PARTIES!  The local Watch Party for Sixth Judicial District will be hosted at Pickens, Barnes & Abernathy law firm, 1800 First Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids (free onsite parking!).   Local restaurant Shawnniecakes is cooking up some tasty food - and the lunch is INCLUDED with your FREE registration!  You only need to be a dues-paid I.O.W.A. member to participate!

I.O.W.A. MEMBERS: Register for the CLE/Watch Party here! 

NOTE TO NON-I.O.W.A. MEMBERS!!  I.O.W.A. is running a special membership promotion right now!! Join I.O.W.A. and pay the $35 dues (so low!) before this event and you will not only be able to participate in this CLE (and the Watch Party!) but also cover your 2024/2025 membership (July 1-June 30)!    Go to to become an I.O.W.A. member! 

NOTE to LINN COUNTY BAR MEMBERS: If you plan to attend the LCBA day at the CR Kernels baseball game that starts at 12:05 pm, no problem!  Those games last at least a couple of hours.  Join us for some good I.O.W.A. bonding & learning, and then head to the ballpark for an hour with your fellow LCBA members!

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